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A passionate Software Engineer excellent in building software that improves the lives of those around me.
Ihave work with different companies to create high performance & rich interactive software and websites that work across all platforms & devices.


I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.

I enjoy developing and designing UI using
and also using different UI Component Libraries like
Materail UI and Chakra UI.


I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser and software.

Highlyskilled in using
JavaScript, ReactJs, NextJS, Redux, Java Servlet and JSP for building frontend and
NodeJs, ExpressJs, WebSockets and Java in Backend


For easily collabrative & building robust system and development, I have worked and used
GIT, Github, Jenkins for source code management and deployment purposes.

Worked with Gulp, Webpack and Gradle for fast, optimised bundling of source code and making build process roboust.